Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day started at 7:30AM, when I awoke in a flurry of "it's here, it's here..." The family would be arriving 7 hours- but there was many a thing to accomplish in 7 hours. The house was clean, but I wanted it to sparkle! The dogs needed to release some of the energy that only a puppy can harness- times 2! On top of that, I needed to carve out a few minutes of me time- so with that I HIGHLY encouraged hubs to go for a mountain bike ride! With it, he had his solo time, got in some exercise, and I was able to crank cheesy music as I ran around and perfected last minute details! The arrival of my sister was only 2.5 hours delayed (only increasing the "me time" before everyone started arriving)- but it wouldn't be her if she came over on time.

Before everyone arrived I sifted through a mental checklist- Mom's corn pudding, MIL's sweet potatoes, Sister's Green Beans and pies, Turkey Roasting (rubbed with butter, fresh sage, pepper, and stuffed with an apple,) stuffing and mashed potatoes were laid out and ready to go!

Poor Bird- never had a chance..

Plans for a Thanksgiving Day Run were postponed- until tomorrow, maybe?!- but was quickly replaced with a chat session between hubs, sista' and myself.

Family arrived, everyone split into different sections of the yard and house to catch up, food was eaten, dessert was served and in a flash the night had come to an end- and naps were being had on the couch. If I could change anything about yesterday, I would slow it down. It seemed to fly by- like any good day does I guess! As a result the pictures taking slacked....

To relive it this morning we transformed leftovers into a tasty breakfast treat- ham with cranberry sauce, eggs, and pumpkin bread....yes, please!

So here's to 2010's reasons to be Thankful- the hubs- who puts a smile on my face, family, the pups, a job I'm passionate about, a home I miss when I pull out of the driveway, and friends that make me a better person.

Is it bad that I am already thinking about Christmas Dinner?! I am very excited for all that December will bring like.... Christmas Parties, my first 29th birthday, a fishing trip, Christmas, and New Years... wow.... I know it too will all fly by, just as Turkey Day did- but not without a conscience effort to stop and take it all in!!!

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