Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Show me your peppas!!!

The other night our neighbor's dog ventured down to say hi- our's is the first stop on his neighborhood tour. Usually he heads to our creek to splash around and get dirty, but this time he hung out and played fetch- I think he is rallying for a new playmate! In due time he will have one, we've been approved by the bully breed adoption agencies WOOO HOOO!!!!

When retrieving their pup, my neighbors brought us some banana peppers from their garden. They were so pretty- they begged for a photo shoot!

Ideas for these babies quickly flooded my mind- I decided to stuff them with pulled pork.

Sometimes I make decisions 'spur of the moment' before checking out the pantry and freezer- lucky for me I had a bunch of super thick pork chops in the freezer and decided to defrost a couple! So into the crock pot this morning went two chops with some Mojo marinade and chicken stock.
I let them do their thing on high for 4 hours!

When I returned home from work- with another bag of farm fresh tomatoes from a student!!!- I decided that I would make enchilada sauce from scratch. WHY have I not done this sooner?!

I could have taken out the seeds, but naaawh- not tonight! Into the blender went whole tomatoes, olive oil, cumin, cayenne, salt, garlic, onion and chipotle peppers! I simmered it on the stove, and added about 3 Tbsp of tomato paste.

I stuffed the peppers with the pork and covered them with the delicious bubbling red sauce- I even had enough meat to make 2 enchiladas in whole wheat tortillas - which I baked with the peppers at 375 for about 20 minutes!

I LOVED this spicy dinner, and hubs well, I think he'll keep me around for a while after this one!!!

1 comment:

  1. This dish was Phenomenal! One of the best creations to date.
