Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Father's Day

I am of the opinion it is better to be early, rather than a day late... and a dollar short! With that I am doing a father's day post now, because I am horrible about finding the time and the WIFI on the weekend! I have the most wonderful step father a girl could ask for. When the dog was dealing with all her surgery stuff, he called multiple times a day to check on her. He is always up for a 7AM phone call on my way to work. He makes us his special "Tampa Chicken" on the grill -even when he doesn't feel well. He picked out my first car, threatened my first date, and walked me down the aisle at our wedding!

Graduation Day 2006

Wedding Day 2007

Happy Father's Day Jer, I LOVE YOU :)

1 comment:

  1. ashby - i love this post! so glad you have such a good relationship. :)
